Shares and Shareholders

Scana was listed on the Norwegian Stock Exchange in 1995.

Scana aims to ensure that the information in existence about the group’s activities and financial status is correct, to contribute to the most accurate pricing possible. We seek to achieve this goal through the publication of quarterly and annual reports in addition to publishing relevant information in the form of stock exchange releases and press releases.

Scana have one class of shares, and each share represents one vote in the general meeting. The share’s nominal value is NOK 1.00. The company is authorised to buy its own shares, up to a maximum stake of 10 %. 

Largest shareholders

Shareholder policy

Scana is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker “SCANA”). Scana’s shareholder policy is to give its shareholders a competitive return in the form of dividends and share price appreciation.

The dividend policy must reflect the need to maintain adequate levels of capital and allow for value creation through new investments. Guidelines are in place to ensure that directors and senior employees obtain approval and report if they trade in Scana shares. There is no restriction on trading.

The General Meeting shall consider and approve frameworks for option schemes and arrangements for allocations of shares to employees. Shareholders registered in the Norwegian Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) must notify any change of address to their registrar, not directly to the company.

Primary insiders

Companies listed in Oslo Børs have an obligation to keep the list of primary insiders updated. Please click on this link to view the updated list of primary insiders in Scana ASA. 

Investor information

Scana will supply the market with relevant, comprehensive information as the basis for a balanced and accurate valuation of the share. The group emphasizes open dialogue with the stock market and media, which is ensured through stock exchange releases, press releases, quarterly financial reports and presentations for analysts and investors.

All information as to Annual General Meetings, such as call for the meeting, the annual report, voting information are available online at the company’s website. The financial calendar is available here at all times.


Dronning Eufemiasgate 30
0191 Oslo 

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